Story The last holiday fun (ENGLISH VERSION)

The last holiday fun (ENGLISH VERSION)

  Last vacation, friends and Fiko go camping in the mountains Vases, Tegal. It's near that town. about 2 hours to get there. Fiko and friends chose mountain jar because it is not too far from their settlements.

they prepare everything before going camping. Boys prepare tents, girls prepare the food.other friends bring cooking equipment and food from home, clothing, camera, guitar, also carried by them.They go there by car and motorcycle. they go to camping in the current sunny morning and they hope it does not rain during camping.

On the first day, Fiko and friends sitting tent near the waterfall. Then, Fiko and friends cooked food for lunch.
On the second day, Fiko and friends went up the mountain, and took some pictures in the tea garden, and took the strawberry. at night Fiko and friends chills, and friends Fiko make it bonfire.After Fiko and friends sang together and spooky storytelling that makes Fiko fear.

Fiko and friends camping for three days. On the last day, Fiko and friends clean up the area and make sure there is no trash left except their tracks. they do not take anything except taking photos, we remember that we must preserve nature, and friendly with them and they will be friendly with us.They make an album with taking pictures together in front of the waterfall and then went home happy and came home they feeling very tired.

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